Goodness, that looks a lot like my garden right now. Except that you're probably used to it and I'm completely at a loss! It looks beautiful, anyway, though, and those are great photos.
Anyway, I just stopped by to say Merry Christmas. I hope you have a wonderful holiday! ~Angela :-)
Goodness, that looks a lot like my garden right now. Except that you're probably used to it and I'm completely at a loss! It looks beautiful, anyway, though, and those are great photos.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I just stopped by to say Merry Christmas. I hope you have a wonderful holiday!
~Angela :-)
So snowy and cold looking, it has a beauty all its own. Thanks for sharing these pics!
ReplyDeleteMerry, merry Christmas to you and yours up in snowy New Jersey from Joann and Jack in cold but no snow Virginia. Peace.
ReplyDeleteVery pretty! Have a lovely Christmas :)