Friday, November 27, 2009

End of Season Clematis: Marie Boisselot on the Arbor to the Cutting Garden


  1. Beautiful form and shape. Must be a showcase in your garden this time of year.

  2. How lucky to have these blooms when nearly December. Lovely.

  3. Fabulous photos. I also love gardening - on my lanai in Florida.............

  4. Do they grow in tropical countries? I hope they do!

  5. Lovely photos you have! Wish I have these flowers in my garden.

  6. Beautiful thinking about flower

  7. What a beautiful flowers these are having same shape and size. Looking very much beautiful; love to have all of them in my garden. This flower really makes the garden complete and beautiful.
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  9. I have never seen such a beautiful clematis. nice flower, i wish i would have touched it. :)

  10. Wow! Beautiful flowers collection. I love flower like China rose, Lily, Rose and so many others. I specially love this site for Jasmine theme. Thanks!

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  11. Beautiful flowers. thanks for sharing. website
