Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Correction: Female Zabulon (not Hobomok) Skipper Butterfly, Poanes zabulon, on Butterfly Bush

She skips around a mile a minute, so I felt lucky to get this shot.
Thank you to Randy Emmitt for the correct identification--this "handyman/photographer" from Rougemont, North Carolina really knows his butterflies. Check out his blog Randy & Meg's Garden Paradise.


  1. Nice picture!


  2. Hey good photo. This is not the Hobomok Skipper, you got pretty close though. It is a female Zabulon Skipper, Poanes zabulon they have two broods, Hobomok only has a spring brood. See my page on this butterfly at http://www.rlephoto.com/skippers_grass3/skipper_zabulon01.htm

  3. Randy,

    Thanks again for the correction and the link to that post!

    -Heirloom Gardener

  4. Isn't Randy nice? I like your photo, you are correct in the difficulty of capturing these busy beauties.

  5. Great photo! I think this is the same skipper that is currently "swarming" around the sedums coming into bloom here in Maryland. At the garden center where I work, the skippers today were competing with the bees in a feeding frenzy around the sedums.... Quite a sight!

  6. I am a lover of the butterflies that frequent my garden because of the flowers and flowering bushes that dot the corners. They're magical and this is one I've never seen!
