Tuesday, August 18, 2009

WSJ: Adding a Vegetable Garden to a Small Business

Here's an innovative employee benefit: the company vegetable garden. From Raymund Flandez of The Wall Street Journal:

"Some small companies seeking an extra benefit for their employees are turning to their backyard for inspiration: a vegetable garden.
After laying off an employee, cutting hours and discontinuing raises, Sheryl Woodhouse-Keese, owner of Twisted Limb Paperworks LLC in Bloomington, Ind., invested $600 last fall to create a 1,500-square-foot garden outside the recycled paper-products company's office. Now, her four employees can take home their pick of 10 herbs and 22 vegetables.
"The garden really is a nice benefit, saving them on their food bills," said Ms. Woodhouse-Keese, who estimates the garden has meted out $2,400 in produce this season, from tomatoes to potatoes."

For the full article, click here.


  1. I think this is great...On Google's 10th anniversary they had a series of links to cool things in their 10 year span. One of them was about their 100 Earth Boxes (TM) where they grew vegetables from all over the world to serve in their employee cafe. I think a lot of businesses would up their employee happiness rating by a friendly garden outside their employee cafeteria.

  2. Geno,

    I agree. That's a great idea.

    -Heirloom Gardener

  3. Great story! So glad to have learned about this... in a time with so much disturbing news... this is a ray of sunshine. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks for reposting this. We are one of the businesses in the article with a company garden. The project is a favorite of mine and I've posted ten tips to help other small business owners start an employee vegetable garden at: http://twistedlimb.blogspot.com/2009/08/ten-tips-for-starting-employee-garden.html. I hope they're useful to others. We've learned quite a bit in the past couple of years! Good luck!
