Friday, August 07, 2009

A Summer Visit to the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG): Pest Control for the Vegetable Garden

On my recent visit to the New York Botanical Garden, we also made a visit to the Home Gardening Center, where they have home demonstration vegetable gardens. Since last season, they have had to do more pest control around the gardens and I was surprised to some very familiar barriers:

1. Chicken wire around their post and rail fence.

2. Completely fenced in walls around their new raised beds.

This is exactly what I have had to do this year! Maybe they've been reading my blog for ideas (just kidding).

Related posts: Adding Chicken Wire and Gates to an Open Post and Rail Fence; New Eight Foot Tall Screens Around the Raised Beds


  1. Anonymous10:00 PM

    I am beginning to recognize my clematis now, since I have been visiting. I have the Jackmanii in two places, thanks to you I know what to call it now.
    QMM ♥♥♥

  2. QMM--

    It's been fun to post all of the pictures. I remembered many of the names, but had to look up others.

    -Heirloom Gardener
