Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dahlia in the Cutting Garden - I forgot the name of this one...does anyone remember?


  1. No idea about its name but it is gorgeous!

  2. Your dahlia collection is beautiful! But, sorry, no help with the name.

  3. I am such a dahlia fan! There are so many kinds and they just look gorgeous here in your pics.

  4. I just Googled Vancouver dahlia images to see if they looked like yours, and the first one there was of my blog! If you do that, you will have to scroll to the second photo in that post to see it. I had others last summer, too. It's kind of odd, though, that many of the other images looked all different from mine and each other. I'm thinking that lovely could be Vancouver. Make sure your roots don't get thrown away in the fall like mine did, by my husband who doesn't like things lying around the carport.

    Your other dahlias are pretty, too!

  5. I love your Dahlia photo's they are wonderful!

  6. Sue,

    Thank you! I wiil look that up.

    -Heirloom Gardener
