Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Delphinium in front of the Bird Garden


  1. I have just now become a larkspur/delphinium mom ? LOL
    I found a short mounding one called "Summer Blues" .. the colour stunned me so I just had to have it .. it is not long lived apparently but I hope it seeds itself.
    Yours is very striking too : )

  2. I just bought a blue Delphinium...what a color combo!!

  3. I adore blue flowers and this is the color of the beautiful sky! Lovely!

  4. What a gorgeous delphinium! I love their irridescent colors.

  5. I've always loved delphiniums but they don't do well here because it is so hot.

  6. I love delphiniums/larkspurs! Larkspurs and I have this love/hate relationship, though. Mainly because our house sits in sand (down deep too!), and the soil registers acid mostly. I've added compost and clay and even top soil! No luck. So instead of doing myself in I go to a girlfriend's garden and enjoy hers over tea!!
