Monday, February 02, 2009

Calendar For Forcing Branches: When to Cut Various Flowering Branches for Forcing

By February, my home is devoid of lingering Christmas decorations and most of my forced bulbs are done. At this point, I turn to the outside once again to bring a little bit of spring into the house: I begin forcing various branches from the garden.
I try to cut branches at least the diameter of a dime in mid afternoon when it's warmest. I immediately place the branches in warm water with a floral additive. You can also make the floral additive with a little bleach, sugar, and lemon juice. For a half gallon of water, I would add 4 tablespoons of lemon, 2 tablespoons of sugar, and 1/2 teaspoon bleach. The closer to the natural bloom time the more quickly branches will force.
During February and early March, I go out about every seven to ten days for branches. My order of forcing is generally as follows:
Forsythia (can be started from early January)
Pussywillow (pictured)
Red twig dogwood

Ceris 'Forest Pansy' (pictured)

Flowering Pear

Flowering Cherry (pictured)

Quince (pictured)

Amelanchier (last year started 28 February)

Crabapple (last year started 6 February and it began to bloom 25 February, pictured)

Bridal Wreath Spirea

Flowering Dogwood
Related posts:
Forced Branches: Quince, Crabapple, Willow, Ceris, Dogwood, and Forsythia
Cut Flowers, Branches and Foliage: Bringing Early Spring into the Home
Forced Branches and Bulbs: Forsythia, Hyacinth, Tulips, Muscari and Crocus


  1. It is nice when you can put in some spring into your home earli in the year.
    I`ts make the time inside more hopeful.

  2. Very handy information. We have an apple tree I would like to take some stems off so this is perfect timing. Thanks.

  3. Anonymous6:54 AM

    I cut a few snipets from the forsythia and put them in a bud vase and was rewarded by their bloom a couple of days ago. You have so many subjects to force. Great winter activity!

  4. You have given me a project to brighten all of our moods at my house - the past week has included not only the worst ice storm within recent memory in this part of Indiana, but also 5 days in hotel due to power outages and such - in short, we could use a little spring. So it's off with the clippers I go tomorrow!!

  5. Gardeness,

    Best wishes--I look forward to seeing your apple blossoms.

    -Heirloom Gardener

  6. Librarianinheels,

    Oh no, that's terrible. I hope you get electricity and can get back in your home soon.

    -Heirloom Gardener

  7. Librarianinheels,

    Oh no, that's terrible. I hope you get electricity and can get back in your home soon.

    -Heirloom Gardener

  8. Wow, there is so much effective info above!
