Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds: the best heirloom seed offerings I've seen anywhere

I recently received my Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds catalog. I love it. The whole thing deserves a cover to cover read. The heirloom seed offerings are phenomenal--the best I've seen anywhere. The descriptions and histories of the various seeds are interesting and illuminating. For instance, I'd never heard of some of the cucumbers offered, particularly those from India. There are cucumbers in many colors: white, yellow, green, and even brown.
The seed selection is vast and diverse. They have so many of my favorite black and green tomatoes that I was out in the garden looking for more places to grow tomatoes. The catalog notes that Baker Creek offers more melons than any other catalog. I was happy to find a 60 day maturing watermelon. Also, you will not find any GMOs in this catalog, not even GMO corn.
The story of Baker Creek and the company's aims are also to be applauded. It is a family owned business from Missouri (my home state) which has been able to grow every year in size and offerings. In the back of the catalog is a reprint of an article about the founder, Jeremiath Gettle. I love the story of how his love of heirloom vegetables and seed saving has grown into a thriving business. This is truly a story of how following you passion can reap vast personal rewards.
In addition to offering seeds for sale, Baker Creek also publishes a magazine (with a great name) "The Heirloom Gardener;" has a poultry farm for historic, rare breed chickens; and hosts several festivals at Bakersville, the historical village they are creating.
For more information, check out their websites: (no relation to this blog)


  1. The magic and wealth of our continent's genetic diversity is hidden in scores of small family seed companies, seed exchanges and individual seed savers now offering their best on the web. Dig for the magic. Find something close to home if you can. Learn to save your own seeds. Invite all your gardening friends to an annual potluck dinner each fall. Price of admission? The seeds you saved and want to trade for what you need. Each valley, each region should be self-reliant in its own seed production. This simple method will get us there. You can find seed saving instructions on the website of this 20 year-old non-profit:

    My favorite heirloom seed company is Seeds Trust. They are celebrating their 25th year.

  2. Seedman,

    Thank you for the information about and Also, I like your idea about a seed exchange party.

    -Heirloom Gardener

  3. Great resources, thanks!

  4. Thanks for the resource! I really love your blog, just wanted you to know.

    Also, in the past I have used Seed Saver's Exchange...also great. I have some beautiful vining petunias that came from there.

  5. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I've been looking for just the right place to order from.
    Thanks for the great help.

  6. Ooo, thanks for posting this! I am always looking for sources of heirloom seeds.

  7. This one for me is very informative! I've got a lot of tips in raising heirloom seeds better. Why don't you try some heirlooms that is offered over the internet! It will surely get your interest. they are available online. Try some!

  8. Thanks so much for sharing... I love heirloom seeds too.. for quite some time I didn't plant heirloom seeds because it's a little expensive, but given enough budget though, it's cool to invest on heirloom seeds.

    Heirloom Seeds

  9. Great! Thanks for sharing all the links. I also order online and I am receiving really good heirloom seeds kit. I started planting heirloom seeds just last year and I am having so much fun with it.

    Heirloom Seeds

  10. Anonymous11:05 PM

    I know that this is a blog from several years ago, but this is a seed exchange that I wish more Baker Creek Seed customers would subscribe to:
    Happy growing!
