Saturday, November 22, 2008

After the Frost: Star Magnolia in the Walled Garden


  1. I would have mistakenly thought I was looking at a photo of a pussy willow if you hadn't mentioned it was a magnolia :)

  2. I blogged about you on my blog and gave you an award. You can claim your award by coming to my blog. Joann in Haymarket, VA

  3. I like magnolia trees, and my daughter is pleased she has one outside her bedroom window in the house she is moving into.

  4. I've got a couple of magnolias, but no Stars. Maybe I'll have to remedy that this next year! My 'Jane' and 'Leonard Messel' both have lots of buds on them. I hope the spring weather cooperates and they all end up blooming then!

  5. Good Morning, oh...poor little Magnolia it looks really sad./ Tyra
