Thursday, September 04, 2008

Links to Some Great European Gardening Blogs

One of the really fun things about garden blogs is that you can peak into others' gardens all around the world. This list in no way is exhaustive, but just some of the European gardening blogs that I have discovered and enjoyed. If you have suggestions of others, let me know.

A Garden Diary (Budapest)
Bliss (Netherlands)
Carrots and Kids (UK)
Down on the Allotment (UK)
Ewa in the Garden (Poland)
Garden Dreams (Sweden)
Garden Hopping (UK)
Jardin Miranda (France)
Lady Greenthumb's Garden (Croatia)
Roses and Stuff (Sweden)
Roses in Gardens (Denmark)
The Constant Gardener (UK)
Victoria's Backyard (UK)


  1. Thank you so much for listing my blog :) I am very happy that you enjoy it :)
    Ewa at

  2. Iam glad that you think our blog is one of the ones you like.
    I feel the same about yours.
    Now in the summer, who is wery short in Sweden I have not been the best visitor but now when the fall is comming it is the time for bloging again.
    I agree that it is so great to find gardenblogs around the world. And to exshange pictures and experiance.
    Regards Ken

  3. What an honour having yourself link to my humble blog. I am glad you have enjoyed it, for the feeling is mutual. I enjoyed both of your inspiring posts and great photography. My compliments!
