Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Spring Ephemerals: Virginia Bluebells Are Spreading Through The Garden

This year, my Virginia Bluebells are the best ever. After three seasons, these spring ephemerals are spreading beautifully through the garden. I have wonderful combinations of them with daffodils (pictured) in the Long Border and great surprises as they have shown up in other areas.
I look forward to their number increasing further. The spring ephemerals are so charming for how they appear when the garden is bare and leave in just enough time to make room for summer perennials as they bulk up.
In my garden, more bluebells are always welcome. They seem to thrive in areas where the clay soil is on the dry side and in parts where the moisture level is more normal. They have done well in rich and ordinary soil. I have them planted under roses, a tree hydrangea, and in the 'tree skirts' that surround my oaks in the back garden.


  1. I love blue bells. I accidently dug them up where I had them. UGH

  2. I like how you've got them planted with the yellow Daffodils. Last year I transplanted a Celadine Poppy next to the Bluebells & I'm pleased with the combo. That blue just seems to call out for yellow.

  3. I've never had bluebells. Another one to add to my list. Thanks for the nudge.

  4. Anonymous4:10 PM

    My bluebells have just finished blooming and are dying back... do you know if you need to prune the dying stalks, or do you leave it as is? Thanks!

  5. This cannot have effect in actual fact, that's what I consider.
